Saturday, August 8, 2015

These Days


This summer is flying by. We are busy keeping up with some schoolwork and taking lots of nature walks. Jojo took these photos at Rasmussen Woods this week:



We find lots of neat things and learn interesting facts, like how caterpillars love to eat carrots.

JR Jojo Caterpillar

JR just started K4:


Jojo is partway through K5 and only has four lessons left in reading. That will have him reading at a first grade level.

JR Jojo Reading

One of our favorite places is the Rapidan Dam.

JR Jojo Rapidan 2Jr Jojo Rapidan



We like to walk the Red Jacket Trail early in the morning.



And the usually find some other way to entertain themselves throughout the day.

JR Jojo Goofuss


And just in case you need a smile:


1 comment:

  1. You boys look like you are having lots of fun being outdoors! That's the best way to spend the summer.You boys are both doing so well on your school work. I am proud of both of you. I like your favorite spot at Rapidan Dam. Great job decorating Mom's oven!! I laughed at that one. What a great photo of JR to close with, he looks like he is trying with all his might to listen!!!!


    Grammy Diane


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