Sunday, August 26, 2012

Look Who Is Two


Here are a few things I want to remember about Jojo right now:

-Singing. I love hearing his precious voice saying “Mama sing…Mama sing…”

His favorite song is “Holy, Holy, Holy” and he loves to sing the Amen at the end.

-He loves anything Elmo, Thomas, or Bob the Builder.

-Going for “walkawas” in the stroller. He favorite walking destination is the “waddy.” ( the fountain at Trillium Park)

-Reading. He loves, loves, loves books.

-Mowing the “yawn" with his new Bubble Mower.

-His love for animals


-His best friend is Mia and he loves to “Mia see-ya” (go see Mia)

-I love hearing him answer his first catechism question with “God made me.”

-Hearing him sing “A,B,C,D,E, I, K, 9, 10….Amen!”

-Hockey cheers at the dinner table:

-He loves his “Bobo”
