Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Growing up

Jojo has moved out of his crib and into a toddler bed. Last night was his first time sleeping in it and he did great.

A couple of days ago James sat down on Jojo's potty seat at bath time and made a pee-pee, surprising us all. Now he is asking to use it several times a day. He just might potty-train himself!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! How great Jojo is in a toddler bed and James is making an effort to potty train!! They are growing up so fast. Tell Jojo Grandma Diane says what a big boy he is to be sleeping in a bed and tell James Grandma Diane says what a good job he is doing on the potty chair. It won't be long and you will blink and they will be older and the hard days are over. Cherish every moment no matter how difficult; you can't ever get those days back again. They won't remember how clean the house was or that they had clean clothes, they will remember what you did with them. That is exactly what you have done. Everyday you take them for a walk and create memories, or outside playing, or the buses going by and trips to the library.Playing in the garden and accidentally digging up Mom's flowers and cucumbers. Treasures for them but a memory for Mom. Those things they will remember. Enjoy them and treasure those small moments with them because in a blink of an eye they will be grown up. Take it from me, my little girl is grown up into a wonderful young women with beautiful children that she is treasuring and spending time with. No one can take that away from you.


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