Friday, December 30, 2011

Baby Brother

Here's baby brother at 30 weeks gestation:

Only 10 more weeks to go!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jojo's First Haircut




He sat very nicely on Daddy's lap and didn't fuss at all.

Jojo will be 16 months old on Christmas day. At his 5 month checkup he weighed 22lbs 2oz (15th percentile) and was 2' 8.5" tall (83rd percentile).
His vocabulary is growing every day and over the last couple of weeks he has started saying a few two word sentences, like "more cheese" or "more juice".
Baby brother is due in 12 weeks!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Birthday Boy

I turned a year old on August 25, but I had three, count 'em, THREE parties in all. Mommy and Dada, Nana and Papa and Grandma and Grandpa each helped me celebrate my first birthday. I got lots of presents from everybody, too, and really enjoyed my first cake.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jojo's Big Announcement

March 10, 2012

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fathers Day

Jojo will be ten months old in the morning. His first word was "dada", or rather "dadadadada" - but he knows who dadadada is!
He's crawling like a pro, pulling himself up and "walking" around the furniture. He even stood hands-free for about 5 seconds the other day.

Splashing is one of his favorite activities.

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 12

This is one of daddy's favorite photos.

June 11

I had a big day today. I went to a party and saw my Papa, I took a tub-tub, I went to my friend Shula's birthday and pet a horse with my daddy, then we saw a puppet show. I sure had fun!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm 7 and a half months old--I love spring!

Today's a BIG day. The weather finally warmed up, and I get to go for a walk with my mommy.

Oops. The weather got a little colder, but we still get to go for a walk.

Daddy and I stayed up too late watching hockey so we had to take a nap. The picture below is of me and my great grandparents.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Jojo's first solid food - brown rice cereal.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Boy

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Christmas/NewYears Photo Book

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Much Overdue Update

I am BIG! I'm four months old and weigh about 18 lbs. I wear size 3 diapers and 6-9 or 9-12 months clothing. I (mostly) sleep through the night now.

I'm rolling over - sometimes over and over and over if I have somewhere to go.

I love my Baby Einstein Exersaucer and my Johnny Jump Up.

I saw all my grandparents for Christmas, and some cousins, and aunts and uncles too.

I love when Daddy comes home in the evening and we can have "man time".

That's all for now!